What is Pranic Healing?

What is Pranic Healing?
9🔥 points you must know about your body healing itself. 

what is Pranic Healing, Pranic Healing

What is Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing is a non-touch holistic energy healing technique that utilizes prana, or life force energy, to heal physical and emotional ailments. It is based on the concept that the body has a natural ability to heal itself, and by energizing the affected areas with prana.

According to the principles of Pranic Healing, imbalances or blockages in the energy body can lead to physical, emotional, and psychological ailments. By applying specific techniques, the practitioner aims to remove energetic blockages and restore the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

What was the Origins of Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing has ancient roots and draws inspiration from various spiritual and healing traditions. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, a Filipino-Chinese scientist, engineer, and spiritual teacher, developed Pranic Healing in the 1980s. He combined his extensive knowledge of energy healing, esoteric sciences, and modern research to create a comprehensive system accessible to people from all walks of life.

master chook kok sui

What are the Benefits of Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing offers many benefits, both physical and emotional. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Physical Healing: Pranic Healing enables the body to heal at a faster rate by increasing the flow of prana to the affected areas and promoting faster recovery from physical ailments, injuries, and chronic conditions. It helps to relieve pain, improve vitality, and boost the immune system.
  • Pain management: Pranic Healing is very highly effective in relieving physical pain, such as headaches, muscle tension, and chronic pain conditions.
  • Enhanced immune system: Pranic Healing strengthens the body’s natural defense mechanism, improving resistance to illness.
  • Emotional and Mental well-being: Pranic Healing can help to release emotional blockages and imbalances such stress, anxiety, depression and trauma. Pranic Healing helps to promot a sense of inner peace emotional stability and mental clarity.
aura after Pranic Healing

How does Pranic Healing heal the body?

Pranic Healing works on the principle that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. The practitioner acts as a facilitator, harnessing prana and directing it to areas of the body where energy imbalances are present.

The practitioner uses specific hand movements and techniques such as scanning, cleansing, energizing and stabilizing to manipulate the energy field surrounding the body. This energy field around the body is also know as Aura. The practitioner removes stagnant or diseased energy and replenishes it with fresh, revitalizing prana. 

Can Meditation heal your body?

Yes, it is possible to heal the body through meditation. Pranic Healing incorporates various meditation techniques that help in activating the energy centres of the body, commonly known as Chakras, thus activating the body’s natural healing power. Meditation allows the mind to enter a state of deep relaxation and stillness, promoting overall well-being and giving the body a chance to restore and heal itself.

How to Activate the Healing Power of Your Body?

Activating the healing power within requires a holistic approach that combines physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual practices.
Here are some ways to enhance your body’s healing potential:

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Engage in regular meditation and mindfulness practices to quiet the mind, reduce stress, and cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self and the universal energy.
  • Energy Hygiene: Practice energetic hygiene by cleansing and purifying your energy body regularly. Techniques such as energetic showers, saltwater baths, and aura cleansing can help remove energetic impurities and promote a harmonious flow of prana.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, balanced nutrition, sufficient sleep, and stress management. These practices create a strong foundation for optimal health and energy flow.
  • Physical exercise: Regular physical activity helps to improve circulation, boost energy levels, and support overall well-being.
  • Energy Awareness: Develop an awareness of your energy body and its needs. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations to identify any imbalances or blockages.
  • Pranic Healing: Seek the assistance of a certified Pranic Healing practitioner to address specific energy imbalances and receive targeted healing treatments.

Different types of Meditations in Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing incorporates several meditation techniques that are designed to enhance energy flow, activate spiritual faculties, and facilitate healing. Here are a few commonly practiced meditations in Pranic Healing:

  1. Meditation on Twin Hearts: This meditation focuses on activating the heart and crown chakras, allowing the practitioner to access higher levels of consciousness and experience a state of deep inner peace and spiritual connection. This meditation facilitates the flow of divine energy for healing and transformation.
  2. Meditation on the Blue Pearl: This meditation practice aims to awaken and develop the spiritual faculties, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. By focusing on the inner blue pearl, one can deepen their connection with higher spiritual energies and expand their consciousness.
  3. Meditation for Divine and Self Healing: This meditation technique involves invoking divine energies and channeling them to facilitate healing on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
  4. Meditation on the White Light: This meditation technique involves visualizing and becoming one with a brilliant, radiant light within. It helps purify and energize the energy body, promoting healing and spiritual growth.

What are the Levels in Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing consists of several levels of training, each building upon the previous one. 
The foundation levels include:

  1. Basic Pranic Healing: This level introduces the fundamental principles, provides a foundation for understanding the energy and techniques of Pranic Healing, including scanning, energizing and cleansing.
  2. Advanced Pranic Healing: This level delves deeper into the understanding and application of  Pranic Healing techniques, including color pranas, healing of more complex ailments, and distant healing.
  3. Pranic Psychotherapy: This level focuses on the understanding and treatment of psychological conditions and emotional ailments such as trauma, addiction and phobias using specialized Pranic Healing techniques.
  4. Pranic Crystal Healing: This level explores the use of crystals to enhance and accelerate the healing process, as crystals have unique energetic properties that can be harnessed for healing.
  5. Pranic Psychic Self-Defense: This level teaches techniques to protect oneself from negative energies and psychic attacks, enhancing overall well-being and energetic balance.


Can Pranic Healing treat depression?

Yes, Pranic Healing can be used as a complementary therapy to help manage depression. By addressing energetic imbalances and promoting emotional stability, it can help alleviate symptoms of depression. However, it is important to note that Pranic Healing should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. It can be used as a complementary approach to conventional therapies.

Can Pranic Healing treat anxiety?

Pranic Healing can be effective in treating anxiety by calming the nervous system and reducing stress. Through specific techniques, the practitioner can help balance the chakras and restore calmness, balance, and emotional stability. Similar to depression, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional and use Pranic Healing as a complementary approach.

Can Pranic Healing treat insomnia?

Pranic Healing can assist individuals struggling with insomnia by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and restoring energetic balance. Through specific techniques, Pranic Healing helps calm the mind, balance the chakras, cleanse the aura and induce a state of deep relaxation, which can support better sleep. At the same time, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive treatment plan.

Can Pranic Healing treat psychological ailments?

Pranic Healing techniques, particularly those taught in Pranic Psychotherapy, can be beneficial for various psychological ailments, including trauma, phobias, and addiction. By clearing and energizing the affected chakras, Pranic Healing can help promote emotional well-being.It is essential to seek professional guidance and integrate Pranic Healing as part of a holistic treatment approach.

Can Pranic Healing treat physical ailments?

Yes, Pranic Healing can be effective in treating physical ailments by accelerating the body’s healing processes. By removing energetic blockages and energizing the affected areas, Pranic Healing facilitates the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

How much does it cost to get healing from a Pranic Healing practitioner?

The cost of Pranic Healing sessions can vary depending on the practitioner’s experience, location, and session duration. It is advisable to inquire with individual practitioners or Pranic Healing centers in your area to obtain specific pricing information. Many practitioners also offer packages or discounted rates for multiple sessions.

In conclusion,
Pranic Healing offers a holistic approach to healing, harnessing the power of prana to restore balance and well-being. With its wide range of benefits, diverse meditation techniques, and focus on activating the body’s self-healing abilities, Pranic Healing has gained popularity as an effective complementary therapy. While it can support the healing of physical, emotional, and psychological ailments, it is important to remember that Pranic Healing should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. It is best used in conjunction with conventional healthcare practices to promote optimal well-being and holistic healing.

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